Solomon Islands ban dolphin exports
A ban on the export of live dolphins from Solomon Islands is expected to be formalised tomorrow.
The Solomon Star newspaper reports that the Permanent Secretary of Fisheries, Tione Bugotu, has confirmed the ban will be gazetted tomorrow.
There had been reports that a pod of 40 wild dolphins was to be exported earlier this week to the Bahamas, prompting protests from the World Society for the Protection of Animals, and the New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark.
Miss Clark wrote to Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sir Allan Kemakeza, seeking an assurance that its ban on live dolphin exports remains in place.
Mr Bugotu said the reports were false because the government had not changed its decision banning the trade.
He said the government has only given a processing licence to the Solomon Islands Marine and Mammal Education Centre.
This allows the Centre to have dolphins on public display, but it cannot export them.
The Centre last year had exported live dolphins to Mexico, an action that caused international outrage and condemnation.
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