What are the possible effects of floods on dolphins?
Marine scientists are concerned how the dolphin population on the New South Wales north coast will cope with the impact of the floods.
They are concerned that the dirty water and contaminated fish will impact on the dolphins and their calving season.
Dr Liz Hawkins, a scientist with the Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre, says the region has one of the biggest populations of bottlenose dolphins.
"The population out there at the moment is one of the largest recorded to date," she said.
"We've got a very big population out there, but we have a lot of dolphins moving in and out, so they're not here all year round.
"My estimates indicate that we've got about 860 dolphins using the Byron Bay, Brunswick and Ballina areas."
People wanting to know more about dolphins and the marine environment can do so at a series of Oceanteach sessions, starting in Byron from January 24.
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